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Racing Car at the DiKom Stand

18 august 2017

On 23-26 August we look forward to seeing you at the international «Interauto-2017» exhibition in Crocus Expo (Moscow).
In addition to our furniture for car service and automotive industries, we will showcase the racing car of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University’s student team «Polytech North Capital Motorsport», created with our active participation.

The car is designed for international «Formula Student» races. «Formula SAE» is a student racing competition held in over 30 countries worldwide. The team’s task is to develop and create a racing car which then takes part in the racing competitions.

At DiKom, we love innovation and encourage the development of Russian engineering, so it was a pleasure to act as a sponsor for the students. We provided a production site, helped with materials, equipment, and our design engineers consulted the students when necessary.



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